Monday, August 11, 2014

Sketches - 2 (August 10th, 2014)

Harmonica Eddie playing insect spack
of unplugged purple electric Gretsch in
the evening backyard, George River Rat Prescott
smokes a cigarette sitting
across a narrow weathered backyard
sidewalk from Eddie, dog Dahli on
                    his lap.

Eddy’ll play O’leavers open stage
tonight.  Leaves start to droop on
giant forever trees towering over the backyard.
The Missouri river is dry despite recent torrential
downpours and displays its water marks on the shore.

Bullet blender in kitchen, a little bit of everything
to mix it all together, mix it according
to eyeballing it, glance and figure,
spread out seasonings by experience
as the turn of actual seasons continues,
this year its a short stumble into

‘Gonna have me a soul / and a conscience
                      too’ sings Eddie.

A liberal amount of rain drenched
cigarette butts around the fire pit.
What were once tall stately sunflowers
now droop behind Eddie as he glances
at his cell phone and garden matters
discussed once again - -

‘I came here to be by this magical garden’ Eddie
had said earlier when I opened
the back door and found him sitting there.

(August 10th, 2014)
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