Sometimes a murk-glurk
darkness weighs down the
ordinary minutes of
accumulated days -
where as depression is
a state where nothing holds any
meaning whatsoever
this is more of a dull edged
One of millions of fish
in a vast swirl-ocean
heaving and gasping tearing
away at the shore an inch
every 50 years or 100 years
or so.
This slow dull dread feeling
comes as a result of putting
things off, simple things that add
up or one solid THING that
takes over…
and the truth of accumulated
years is that if I face it head on
I am able to suppress it
having gone through it before
many times...therefore able
to change the way I react.
I watch everyone working
or more or less getting by with
exactly the same low level
certainty of anxiety - yet I have
no desire to be like everyone
Be that as it may, vacuous grocery store fronts
no longer have the old power
of bringing me down to the helplessness
of a bug on its back, legs
thrust up in panic twiddle
at the humidity and dark
sky dread.
(August 20th, 2014)
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