Hot indoors - Sunday
evening and unexpected
sad Indian Summer taking
breath away, tobacco pipe
also thinning my lungs as
my 40 something belly threatens
to pop further over my waist
line. I try to eat just right
but necessity nods and
shoulders and directs,
sometimes its just easier in that
fitful day end hot sun to
order drive thru,
take in the fast food fries,
the salted greasy onion
rings -
slop grease melted
slice of American odd-yellow cheese
caressing the
ever peppered Don and
Millie's diner
meat shoved into
and slid
across the
wiped over
snarling wisp of cloud in
an otherwise deep eternal
blue sky, eternal in its
featureless blue as I do
imagine in quiet evenings
such as this one, all traffic
noiselessly swimming, teaming
in quiet veins and arteries of
autumned streets past hospitals,
grocers, car garages and bars.
Gulp down a last swallow
of coffee before deciding
that now would be a good
time to deliver my daughters
jacket and daycare payment
check to my ex’s mailbox.
But this is truly none of
my real concern or your business. I am
simply looking forward to driving
out in that cool black
October evening, let some
of that sweat coating the
roots of my hair chill out,
light my tobacco pipe
and puff giant
white clouds of
tobacco breath
into the car, watch the
wall of smoke zip out
the cracked-open window.
There is much to realize
when the town shuffles by
fast enough to be meaningless
and there is only the radio and
sometimes a prophetic union, but
more often than not, frizzled sold
and done.
(October 26th, 2014)
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