Monday, June 16, 2014

A Matter of Moonlight Perspective

Shooting up north through Tex-ass
               in 2006
after a hopeless gig in San Antonio
driving that night
under a vacant moon
with only a song to show for it
a month later, somehow managed to yank
               a sliver of hope
                     from its silver
                     gloss light.

Sometimes all it takes is a song.

A song from a bag of tricks that
used to rattle like bones
           now sings brilliantly
and it never ceases to feel like
a con, that is to say, if I can just
lull everyone to a sort of blank
state, I can jump out of the
           picture, hardly

take on a whole handful of roads
like snakes and summer heat
            leprous hot highway
            sun bake

in the American wilderness
           the floods and
                  folds of
                  countless flatland

threatening to eat us alive
in yawn distance of highways
               heard from tiny pin
               point towns.

- - - - - - - - - - -

(May 12, 2013)

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