Monday, May 26, 2014

Testing Ground

Saturday morning thoughts on how
every passing second of this life might
be the fertile testing ground for some
thing else.

I can stand out at the front porch
of my ramshackle midtown home
with its multitudes of creaks and
splinters, look down at the
canyon park / tiny park across
Cuming street, see the cops pulled up
to a halfway house on the other
side of the park, enough distance
to make the cop car seem like one
of my infant son’s toy cars, and
I wonder at our testing ground, the
bureaucratic muck of bust and
jail and prison, the sheer over-all
waste of time of it.   

Time pushes all forward
with every paycheck gobbled up
fruitless and theoretically spent before
its even made, facts and
figures of the human tribulation over
the dynamics of a dimly conceived
universe, probes pushing forward past
planets and outer edges of untraveled
nothing-dark.  Before I know it I’ll be
coughing my last on some death bed
as the rest of humanity guesses
at the universal spin wheel.  

Why should I follow the rest over an
infinite guessed-at lip of a God-
dream whilst I still breath and fuck
and stammer and write and sing and
toil and work?  I still smell the cult
stench of Jonestown, yet still can
identify with the Boxer’s Rebellion,
mayhaps look at Waco TX
warily but not without some kind
of understanding and yet
I keep the daylight filtered through my
own two eyes, taste with my own tongue
and feel with my own skin - no need to
exit at the behest of some god
damn lunatic, all those empty  
vessels filled with shadows.

A mirror tells the truth but still I see
it with my own two eyes.  If God is
in there someplace his face is veiled
and voice is silenced.  To see or hear
it is strictly my own choice.  I’ll not
hear any other voice and consider it
           divine lest it be my own.  

- - - - - - - -

(May 24th, 2014)

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